





為進一步強化會員對葡萄酒的品鑑知識及體驗,本會通過與法國波爾多地區的列級酒莊(classify Growth)合辦各類有關葡萄酒活動;如參觀各大著名酒莊,了解葡萄收穫季節時人們的工作,觀摩有關葡萄酒的釀造過程等,從而加深對葡萄酒文化的認識.同時本學會與波爾多地區著名酒莊合辦葡萄酒課程;

我們熱愛生活、充滿活力,以“聞香識酒 品味生活”為宗旨,致力傳播葡萄酒文化,普及葡萄酒知識,引領葡萄酒健康消費,通過舉辦各級葡萄酒品鑑技能培訓課程、多元化的主題品酒會及紅酒晚宴,聚眾多國內外知名的葡萄酒專家,連繫各方葡萄酒愛好者,提供更多價廉物美的萄葡酒及相關選擇指引,提高會員對葡萄酒的品鑑知識,為會員打造優雅、時尚生活,如同沉浸在葡萄酒微醺的香氣之中,享受更豐盛、精彩人生。


法國紅酒學會會長Charles Seligman先生,為瑞士籍公民,精通德國、法國、意大利、英國及中國等多國語言,是Seligman家族基金的承繼人及管理人。Seligman家族及旗下基金投資環球多個行業領域,而Seligman洋行早於五、六十年代已是香港最大規模及最有影響力的洋行之一,對香港製衣出口業有著重大的貢獻。CharlesSeligman 先生現時除管理家族基金外,亦積極發展藝術文化公益事業,並深愛法國紅酒文化。

Charles Seligman (President)
Charles Seligman, the President of the French Wine Institute, is a Swiss citizen and proficient in several languages including German,French, Italian, English, Chinese. Mr Seligman is also the successor and manager of the Seligman Family Fund. The Seligman family and their subsidiary funds invest in many businesses and domains. As early as 1950's and 1960's, the Seligman Trading Company has been the biggest and the most influential trading company in Hong Kong and has made great contributions in the clothing industry. Mr Charles Seligman is now actively investing in cultural businesses and loves the French wine culture.


Date: May 26, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, honorable guests, and our club members.

I am Dennis Lok, as chairman of the French Wine Institute of Macau; it is an honor and pleasure to welcome all of you in the wonderful and artistic famous Fine Wine Of The Night today.

I must say that I have great affection to French lifestyle after living in France for so many years. The wine culture is shared, commonly enjoyed and appreciated for centuries by the French and Chinese who enjoy gatherings which filled with plenty of noise and laughs, food, friends and families, while they all share one common interest: wine.

Macau is a city proud of its Chinese, Portuguese, and European communities along with their contributions. We are honored by those contributions, which leads us to celebrate this European heritage through French cultural activities, organized by the French Wine Institute of Macau.

French Wine Institute of Macau is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the quality and diversity of French wines, and is aimed to raise the awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of beautiful French wines through many social and educational events such as seminars, wine educations, wine tasting, and wine & dine appreciation parties.

In thanking the Club for its generous hospitality, on behalf of their many guests this evening and in the name of the members of French Wine Institute of Macau, I pay tribute to the generations of French winery communities, who have made such a distinctive contribution to the history and growth of French wine. Without their distinctive wine cultures and traditions, we won’t be able to thank them today for being a part in our daily lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no doubt in my mind that the qualities and commitment that I champion and together with your participation and support today, are bright evidences of a strong future of this institute.

While doing so, I hope that we can make a habit of enjoying good fellowship together, as we are celebrating the appreciation of which tonight is the highlight. If we can combine this international wine families we will surely have a strong future together, embodying the wine culture which the French conceived 2600 years ago.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for participating and your continuous support to the French Wine Institute. I wish you all an enjoyable evening with us.

Thank you.

Chairman of French Wine Institute of Macau
Mr. Dennis Lok